Sunday, July 15, 2012

Things That I Love

Greetings Readers:  I hope this entry finds all of you doing well.  I wrote a blog a while back discussing things that I hated and this entry will discuss things that I love.

There are many things that I love.  Number one is spending time with my chidren, grandchildren and great-grands.  Of course, family comes first.  I do believe the number one thing that I love after my family is reading.  I do love to read and spend several hours a day doing so.  You may be asking yourself, at this point, how can she spend several hours a day reading?  I can, because I really don't have the energy to do much of anything else.  I arise fairly early in the morning, get my basic chores done, eat lunch, get a good book, go back to bed and read until suppertime, clean up the kitchen, go back to bed and either read or try to find something decent to watch on TV; usually, this is a fruitless effort, as there is a lot of junk on television.  I finally have to resort to watching National Geographic or the Animal Planet; I love animal and nature shows.

I'm now rereading Luanne Rice's books and just ordered nine more from  This will complete my set of Luanne's books.  I do love her books.   A lot of her books have a beach genre and I love books about the beach.  I live only two hours from the Atlantic ocean but really don't get down there too often.  I don't like to swim, but love to sit on the sand and watch the waves wash ashore and, hopefully, see the sun set.  The sunsets are just beautiful here in the Mid Atlantic region.

 Right now, I feel the urge to see the ocean again, so maybe my daughter, grandson and I can take a trip to the North Carolina Aquarium at Nags Head.  This is a very nice aquarium that houses lots of interesting fish, reptiles and mammals.  It's such a fun place to visit and not too long a trip there and back.

Another thing I love is listening to good music, especially rock and roll!  Yes, I'm a fifties girl and still love that style of music.  I also love opera, classical, contemporary Christian music and some latin music.  There's a lot of music genres out there that I haven't listened to yet but hope to.  Just give me something with a great beat and I'm happy.

I love feeling good, but the older I get the slower I seem to be, ability wise.  I'm trying to do more exercise and this has made me feel a lot better, plus I'm giving myself a B-12 shot once a month.  As we get older, our bodies find it harder to assimilate B-12.    Also, I'm going to physical therapy twice a week for pulled neck and shoulder muscles, which have caused me a tremendous amount of pain.

Even though I have had better health, I really could be a lot worse off, so I shouldn't complain so much.

Be blessed all, Nana

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