Monday, November 23, 2009

Quote for the day - Don't be so humble - you are not that great - Golda Meir

  Greetings readers - Well, my husband didn't have surgery today.  The medical transport  people picked him up, took him to his supposed appt. for surgery and, guess what, all they did was talk to him about his MRI.

Needless to say, he was irate and let them know it.    To date, his scheduled surgery is to be on 12/10/09 - two more weeks to lay in the bed and writhe with pain.  His GP is trying to find another surgeon to operate but with the holidays looming, I don't know if he will be able to.

So, we'll just have to make the best of a horrible situation.  Neither one of us has ever been in this sort of situation before and, believe me, it is very hard.   All in all, I hope this trial will produce more  patience, tolerance and acceptance.  Everything happens for a reason.

Because we both have suffered so much, we decided to really treat ourselves to a good supper tonight.  He had jalapenos stuffed with cheddar and a steak sub on whole wheat bread.  I had fettucini with tomato sauce and antipasto salad - YUM YUM !!!  Somehow, really good food always helps one to feel better, especially when there'll be leftovers for tomorrow's lunch.

Haven't had time to bead today, too busy changing and washing sheets, towels, etc. and fixing food to eat and taking a nap to recharge my system.  A nap really helps me to recharge.  Even if I don't do anything but doze, just putting my head down on a pillow, even for twenty minutes, makes me feel like a new person.

I guess I'll be home for Thanksgiving after all.  I had planned to spend this Thanksgiving with my parents and family out of state, but my husband has to have someone care for him.  My children have already made other plans, so I guess it'll just be me and the spouse.  I'll probably just cook a chicken and have dressing, sweet potatoes, corn, tea and a dessert.  I just can't deal with a turkey right now; it requires too much energy to deal with.

I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving with  your respective families and we'll talk later.  Adios - Nana

Sunday, November 22, 2009

What's Happening?

Hello all, I haven't been able to post for a while now, as things have been pretty hectic around here.

My husband has been in the bed for 13 straight days now with a bad knee.  This has been very hard for him as he's a very active person and hates to be still.  He's held up remarkably well, though, and I'm proud of him.

Of course, I've had to wait on him, hand and foot, but that's okay, too.  I'm surprised at how well I've done, also.  Needless to say,  this has been a very trying experience for both of us, but, hopefully it's coming to an end tomorrow when he will have knee replacement surgery.

A lot of his friends have had this surgery with very good success and I know he'll have success, too.

I've been busy, when I'm not waiting on him, beading.  Of course, I've been beading.  This is my new favorite pastime.   So far, I've made 25 beaded rings.  The ones I make now are my own designs and, when I look at them on my fingers, I can't believe I made them.  (I wear one on each finger, including thumbs...just kidding.)

Hopefully, after my husband's surgery, I'll have time to start my great-granddaughter's Christmas dress - time is really getting short now.  I can't believe Christmas is only 4 weeks away.  I still haven't done any Christmas shopping.  I really don't have to do a lot because I give money, but the grands need to have some presents to open Christmas morning, don't they?

The leaves are still hanging on some of the trees (no pun intended).  We had a bad nor'easter a couple of weeks ago and the wind was very strong at around 60 mph sustained.  There was a lot of flooding, but not too bad in our area.  Norfolk, Va. had a lot of flooding and tree damage.  I'm so glad that's over.  I got very tired of listening to the wind howling.  It gets on ones nerves after a while.

I went to Sam's Club for the first time in years yesterday.  I didn't buy very much, but the price sure looked like I did.  I want to go back and take my cooler and really take the time to look at everything.  The great-grands were along, so we had to keep checking on them.  All in all, it was a very nice day and I did get some cleaning supplies and enough toilet paper to last a year.

Until next time, adieu - Nana