Monday, August 23, 2010

Summertime Is Nearly Over

Greetings, All:  Well, here it is August already.  Where has the summer gone?  It seems that the older I get, the quicker times flies by.

It has been a great summer here in the Mid Atlantic region, although it's been the hottest summer I can remember.    Some days when you step out the door, it feels like stepping into a wet oven.  The humidity has been unbearable.   It was pretty dry the first part of the summer, but now we're having some nice thunderstorms several times a week.  Thank the Lord, this nice rain keeps me from having to water all of the plants in my yard, which takes several hours,  and since I can't do it anymore,  I have to pay someone to do it.  Oh well, that's what happens when one grows older.  Someone else has to take over and do what you used to do and you have to pay them for it.

I've been under the weather for a few days with throat and sinus congestion.  I really am surprised, as I take enough vitamins to sink a battleship.  It's been nearly a year since I've had something like this and it really hasn't been too bad this time.  I got it Friday, and today, Monday, I seem to be a lot better.  One thing that came along with this is inflammation of the upper and lower eyelids.  I thought, at first, I had pink eye and that I'd gotten it from my great-granddaughter.  If it doesn't get a lot better by Tuesday, I'll go and see the eye doctor; it could be pink eye.

I'm planning a bracelet project.  I haven't done any serious beading for a month now; I just haven't wanted to.  The bracelet I'm going to make will have an oval-shaped, lime green and aqua, lamp worked bead in the center.  On each side of the bead will be a herringbone-stitched tube in two shades of lime green.  This will be something new for me and I'm eager to see what the bracelet will look like.  I hope it works out, as I have tons of lamp worked beads I bought on E-bay and need to do something with them.

I ordered two shirts from Eddie Bauer that will be here Wednesday.  One is lime green and the other is lavender.  I hope they fit so I can wear the lime green bracelet with one, and the lavender bracelet I'm planning to make with the other.

My grandson-in-law is in Kandahar, Afghanistan, and will be there for one year.  This is something that he absolutely wanted to do.  He'll make enough money that he and my granddaughter can pay off everything that they owe and have a lot of dough left over.  I think it takes a very strong person to be able to do this.  I know I couldn't do it.  I just couldn't be away from my children for one whole year.  While he's gone, another daughter will be born but he'll be able to come home when that happens.  He gets to come home for a couple of weeks every three months.  I pray for his safety every day; he's in a very dangerous region of the world.

In January I'll be welcoming my third great-grandchild into the world.  It's a girl and her name is going to be Emma Paige.  I just love that name; it sounds so old fashioned.  I hope she's as sweet and as good as
my other great- granddaughter, Maddie.  Maddie is one of the sweetest children I've ever seen.  She's always going up to someone, grabbing them around the legs, and giving them a hug.  How cute is that!  She's fifteen months old now and will be twenty-two months old when the baby is born.  I also have a great-grandson who's seven.  Ethan is a beautiful child.  He has white hair and big, blue-green eyes and is very precocious.  He loves to come to my house and "rummage" through my "stuff".   I have lots of things he likes to look at and always wants to know if he can take something home, which, of course, I let him do.  My grand and great-grandchildren have been a great source of joy in my life and I thank God for them.

Well, I've got to go and do some cleaning, which I really don't want to do, but needs to be done.  I'll just take my time and not try to wear myself out.  Eventually, I guess I'll have to hire someone to do this for me as well.

I pray for blessings for all of you.  Until next time, Nana

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