Friday, October 9, 2009

QUOTE FOR THE DAY - Growing old isn't for sissies. Betty Davis

Greetings Neighbors:  What's going on in your part of the world?  Same old same old here.  Another day spent totally in the house, although it was beautiful outside.  It was 57 degrees this morning and felt so good when I stuck my head out of the front door.  Today was babysitting day, therefore I didn't have time to go anywhere.

My great-grandson had the croup for the first time this year.  He was croup-free all summer.  His doctors thinks his episodes could be allergy related.  He had to go to the doctor for a nebulizer treatment but seems to be feeling much better.

I spent most of the day playing with my great-granddaughter.   She was rather sedated today; not her usual animated self.  When she left with my daughter at 2:00 PM, I decided to do a little beading.  I made a lovely beaded ring.  It's approximately seventeen centimeters wide and has several colors in it.  It is made totally of number eleven seed beads.  It was very hard to do and took over one and one-half hours to make.  Hopefully, the next one will take a lot less time.  It's too small to wear on my ring finger, so it will have to worn on my pinkie finger.  I will wear it; I wear everything I make and enjoy wearing it.

As you all can see, my life is not very exciting.  I did get excited today, though it wasn't from happiness, when I found out that Barack Obama had been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.  Unbelievable!  There are so many more people in the world worthy of this award; Obama isn't.  Since his election, there's been nothing but unrest in this country.  Why is he trying so hard to kill America?  I pray every night for God to protect us from Obamanation and his administration.  I know he's reached out to the despots of the world but I don't believe that you can communicate or reason with fanatics, namely radical Islam.  Their main goal is to kill Christians and Jews and to impose Sharia law over democracy;  they're making great strides in this country, as well as Europe, concerning this although America is finally beginning to see that radical Islam is the biggest threat to the world in the twenty-first century.

I challenge all of you to get on your computers and research Islam and what they really believe.  Go the the website  The author of this website is a former Lebanese muslim whose family was befriended by the Jews and finally saw that everything that they had been taught, since birth, concerning the Jews, was a lie.   Her book, Because They Hate, is very informative.  I would highly recommend it.  It will really open your eyes as to what is really going on in this country and around the world.

Time for Fox News.  Have a good evening all of you liberals and conservatives out there.   Nana

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

QUOTE FOR THE DAY - Laughter is an instant vacation - Milton Berle

Hello everyone,  I haven't been able to blog for the past few days due to my busy, busy lifestyle; eating and sleeping really takes up a lot of time.

All kidding aside, I am always busy.  As one ages, it takes considerably longer to keep the house, pay the bills, pay our businesses bills, buy groceries, put the groceries up, wash the clothes, fold the clothes, put the clothes up, iron (yes, I still iron; I wear cotton clothes and don't dry them so they won't shrink), cook (?) three meals a day, put dishes in the dishwasher, take dishes out of the dishwasher, put the dishes up - well, you get the idea.  There's always something to do.  I'm one of those crazy women that actually like housework.  I like my house clean and uncluttered but I can't always keep it that way.  Now that I'm babysitting the great-grands, my home definitely is cluttered, but that's okay, they're worth it.

It has been a beautiful, cool day here in NC.  I haven't even been out of the house.  I wanted to go "out of town" but I waited too long and then I got tired.  I'm actually exhausted because I babysat yesterday and had to watch the children all by myself as my daughter had to take my grandson to the dentist "out of town".    After I watch the kids, I have to rest up the next day.  I lay down for a nap today and slept nearly two hours; I hope I can go to sleep tonight.  (I looked up "lay" or "laid" and the dictionary said to use "lay down".  This doesn't sound right to me but I guess the dictionary can't be wrong.)

I made a lovely little black ring the other night; it only took me thirty minutes to make it.  This is the quickest I've ever made a ring.  Of course, the ring was very simple.  I'm planning on making lots of them in different colors to sell at the shop where I have my jewelry.  I know they will go like hot cakes.

I just had supper.  I didn't have a frozen entree tonight because I was too tired to even put it in the oven so I had a bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios with rice milk, and a slice of high-fiber whole wheat bread with Promise and a tablespoon of "real"  fig preserves.  These are the absolute best fig preserves I've ever eaten, other than my mamas.  I don't know how many carbohydrates are in each tablespoon, and I don't care; I ate them anyway.  This is my second jar and I hope the person that made them doesn't give me anymore because I really don't need the calories.  The best part of the preserves, other than the fig, is the preserved lemon rind in them.  I'd like to have a jar of just preserved lemon rind, but I don't suppose they'd taste the same without the fig.  I found a recipe on line for preserved lemons and I'm going to make them - one day.

It's getting dark earlier now.  Soon, it will be dark at 5:00 PM.  Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas are just around the corner - again.  It seems that all we ever have anymore is Christmas and summer. Time goes by so fast it's scary.  Another birthday is coming up and then next year the big 70 will be here.  I think I'll have a BIG party to celebrate the fact that I don't think, act, sound or look my age.  I wonder what I'll be like at eighty; I don't want to think about it.

Well, it's time to do a little beading as I haven't had time to do any all day.  I'll get started on those tiny little rings that are so easy to make.  Have a wonderful evening and be blessed.  Pat

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Greetings friends,  what's happening in your part of the world?   I guess I'll  never know, since no one is reading my boring blog.

It's been a wonderful day here in NC.  Right now, it's 65 degrees;  that's pretty cool (pardon the pun).

I  finally got to go out of town today  to pick up a few things. When I say I have to go "out of town," that means that I live in a small town and we don't have much in the way of shopping here.  Out of town is usually an  hour away but it doesn't seem that far.

The first place I went was Michael's.  Of course, I went there to buy some more beads.  As many beads as I have, I still don't have the kind I need to make beaded jewelry with a needle and thread; I do now.  I bought enough seed beads and focal beads to make quite a few rings, earrings and bracelets.  I don't know if I'll be able to sell these because I'd have to ask a lot more for them than I do my regular items because of the time involved in making them.  I'm going to make something for my granddaughter to wear to work and maybe the girls that she works with will want to buy some.

I had a good day.  I love to shop, but don't do as much "out of town" shopping as I used to because of the distance and my age.   A lot of things change as one grows older.  I do a lot of shopping on line now.
It's very convenient and the shipping usually will equal the amount of gas it takes to travel "out of town".

My granddaughter and her two children had dinner with my husband and me this evening.  My husband  cooked chicken on the grill and I fixed some veggies and bread to go with it.  It was nice to see them all again, although it's only been a few days since I saw them last.

It's time to retire.  My shopping trip has worn me out.  Two hours on the highway plus walking around stores looking for stuff can be very tiring.   I look forward to tomorrow; I have everything caught up so I can bead all day.  Hooray!

Have a good evening, all        Pat

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Hello readers,  I won't be blogging much tonight, as I'm extremely exhausted from beading all day.  Believe it or not, beading is very tiring.  For one thing, I have to use a magnifying glass hung around my neck to even see the size 11 seed beads.  I'm very happy, though, with my accomplishments today.  I've made two rings and one earring, plus worked on my bracelet which is very labor intensive.

I was going out of town today but decided to stay home and work on my projects.  It's been another beautiful day here in NC, although I haven't been outside.  My grandson has been with me today and we've had a nice day together.  He likes to get on the computer and research  animals.  He knows everything about every animal that is, and has been, on the face of the earth.

I have stopped to eat my meals and to read a little.  I'm currently reading Cause of Death by Patricia Cornwell.  I really like her books.  In this one the protagonist, Kay Scarpetta, a forensic pathologist, is working in Norfolk, Virginia, which I'm very familiar with.  It's nice to read a book that mentions places I've seen and been.

I haven't watched the news today, so I don't know what's been going on in the world.  I hope all of you have a nice evening.     Adieu - Pat


Friday, October 2, 2009


 Greetings All  -    If you're wondering if I know all of the words I'm asking you to look up, the answer is an emphatic NO.  I'm learning some of them also.

I've had another busy day on the computer.  My sister, who lives in Virginia Beach, just contacted me via facebook and we've been talking back and forth.  I really resisted facebook but when I finally decided to be a participant, I found  I really enjoyed it.  It's nice to read others thoughts and impressions concerning different aspects of their lives.  I also enjoy looking at their photo albums.

It's been another lovely day here in NC; cool in the morning and warming up in the afternoon.  I think it's getting ready to rain; good, my newly-planted red tips need some water.

I went outside yesterday and spruced up my front porch.  My porch is covered and only one side of it is exposed to the elements.  Sometimes, when it rains or the temperature changes, condensation forms and the tile floor gets very wet.  I put down a piece of outdoor carpet (gray, not green) the length of the porch.  This will give all who come to my door a secure footing and will  hopefully prevent falls.  I also put some fall-looking stems in the large urn that I have sitting by my front door.  It also has lilly pods, bamboo reeds, pussy willow and eucalyptus.  It looks pretty nice and it makes me happy to look at it.

I need to make a fall wreath for the wall of the porch, but just can't seem to find the energy, or desire, to do so.  I've got six very large plastic containers, across the street in the barn, full of silk flowers, etc.  I used to make flower arrangements but haven't done so in quite a while.  I enjoy it, but there are lots of other things I also enjoy.  (I enjoy too many things!)

I was surprised last night when my granddaughter and two great-grandchildren came to spend the night with me.  My granddaughter said that she had jumping-crickets all over the house.  Her husband was working that night; he's a fireman.   We all had lots of fun.  My great-grandson started showing me his "moves".  He's another Jim Carrey in that he loves to show off and act "crazy".  He started dancing and jumping around and looked like a contortionist the way he was moving his body.  I started laughing and couldn't stop. ( Why is it that we laugh so much more at something a member of our family does or says, than anyone else?   I guess it's because they are ours.)  Anyway, he made my night.  They say laughter is good for the soul and is like medicine; well, I got a large dose last night.

I've been considering ordering more components for my jewelry designs.  I've got at least 65 boxes of beads and I keep ordering more beads. What's wrong with me?  I try not to order anything else, but my fingers just love to type on this keyboard and I can't stop them.   My favorite new site is  I have found lots of great things on this site.  I can't believe they have "everything".  I even ordered some organic grains for my diet.  I like to order books from them because I can order used ones at a much lower price, which I've done and they have been very satisfactory.

Well, readers (?), it's time to stop typing.  My neck hurts and so do my fingers.  Hasta la vista - Pat